Chocolate Brownie Online

Chocolate brownie online – UK gourmet brownies

Brownie Mountain


We turn digital chocolate into real chocolate chocolate brownies all you need to do is order this wonderful cake delivery and it will be with you next day, or send some real Chocolate Love to a loved one! The Brownie Mount is a pyramid of 16 Dark Chocolate Brownies made into a great stack of chunky gooey loveliness.  A base of 9 chunks topped with 4 chunks, a further 2 +1 make the mount. It will be wrapped beautifully and ribbon tied and delivered in a gold and black gift box.


The little blighters are baked then cut into square and built into a lovely mountain, this is simply served naked without any coating easy to dish out  Beware this pure indulgence. The brownies are piled in the shape of a pyramid to create a wonderful cake which is already portioned up and makes a great alternative to the usual cake. Even better that it’s made of loads of dark Belgium Chocolate, a cake by post for a wonderful occasion. We send each Brownie Mountain out with a set of Cake Sparklers to make the mountain twinkle.


“The bank of friendship cannot exist for long without deposits of chocolate”. Well this is some deposit? Chocolate upon Chocolate upon Chocolate. The brownies are baked then cut into square and built into a lovely mountain, the cake is the lathered in more Belgian chocolate ganache. It is purely CHOCOLATE Brownie Heaven.

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